figure 7-17
Reactive Power Regulation
table 7-6 Description of Reactive Power Regulation Parameters
Reactive Power Set-
ting Persistence
Switch for activating/deactivating the function
of reactive power setting persistence
Reactive Power Regu-
lation Mode
Reactive Response
Switch for activating/deactivating the function
of reactive response
Reactive Response
Time for reactive response
0.1 s-600 s
"Off" Mode
The reactive power regulation function is disabled. The PF is fixed at +1.000.
"PF" Mode
The power factor (PF) is fixed and the reactive power is regulated by the parameter PF. The
PF ranges from 0.8 leading to 0.8 lagging.
Leading: the inverter is sourcing reactive power to the grid.
Lagging: the inverter is injecting reactive power into the grid.
"Qt" Mode
In the Qt mode, the reactive power can be regulated by the parameter Q-Var limits (in %).
The system rated reactive power is fixed, the system injects reactive power according to the
delivered reactive power ratio. The "Reactive Power Ratio" is set through the App.
The setting range of the reactive power ratio is from -100 % to 100 %, corresponding to the
ranges of inductive and capacitive reactive power regulation respectively.
"Q(P)" Mode
The PF of the inverter output varies in response to the output power of the inverter.
User Manual