Coffee Styles to Try
Flat White
An espresso with textured milk and a thin layer of textured foam
milk on top. The wider cup will create the slim layer of foam, the
signature of the flat white.
• Wide cup (190mL)
• Single or double shot of espresso (30mL-60mL)
• Textured milk & foam.
An espresso with textured milk and a finger width layer of textured
foam milk on top. The narrower cup will create the thicker layer of
• Glass or Cup (220mL)
• Single or double shot of espresso (30mL-60mL)
• Textured milk & foam.
An espresso with ⅓ steamed textured milk, topped with ⅓ creamy
foam and a dusting of chocolate.
• Cup (190-240mL)
• Single or double shot of espresso (30mL-60mL)
• ⅓ Textured milk, ⅓ textured foam - dusted with chocolate.
Made in a similar way to a cappuccino but with the addition of
drinking chocolate. Simply stir the chocolate into the espresso prior
to adding the steamed textured milk and foam.
• Cup or tall glass (190-240mL)
• Single or double shot of espresso (30mL-60mL)
• Drinking chocolate (to preference)
• ⅓ Textured milk, ⅓ textured foam.
Steamed textured milk with a layer of foamed milk.
It can also be dusted with chocolate.
• Small cup (90mL)
• No shot of espresso
• Textured milk & textured foam - dusted with chocolate.