Sun Oracle Netra SPARC T3-1B Product Notes Download Page 2

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Summary of Contents for Netra SPARC T3-1B

Page 1: ...Netra SPARC T3 1B Server Module Product Notes Part No Part No E21654 04 September 2012 ...

Page 2: ...és sous licence et soumis à des restrictions d utilisation et de divulgation Sauf disposition de votre contrat de licence ou de la loi vous ne pouvez pas copier reproduire traduire diffuser modifier breveter transmettre distribuer exposer exécuter publier ou afficher le logiciel même partiellement sous quelque forme et par quelque procédé que ce soit Par ailleurs il est interdit de procéder à tout...

Page 3: ...Changed How It Specifies Logical Device Names 6 Oracle Solaris Jumpstart Example 7 Interactive Installation Example 7 2 Late Breaking Information 9 Hardware Issues 9 Time Changes After System Reset CR7127740 9 Server Module Might Panic During Hot Plugging of the 10GbE Dual Port SFP ExpressModule CR 6974235 10 Replace Faulty DIMMs With Uncorrectable Errors as Soon as Possible CR 6996144 10 Not Orac...

Page 4: ...ticle CR 6940599 13 Degraded Network Performance When Using Sun Dual 10GbE PCIe EMs CR 6943558 14 unsupported port mode Messages Logged CR 6962912 14 Spurious Interrupt Message in System Console CR 6963563 15 Spurious Error Message During Initial Oracle Solaris OS Installation CR 6971896 15 Hot Plug Removal of PCIe EMs Might Generate devfsadmd Errors CR 6973637 16 Error Report Event ereport Not Ge...

Page 5: ...ians service providers and users who have experience administering computer systems This chapter provides the following information Identifying the Netra Chassis Models on page 2 Supported Modular Components on page 3 Supported Versions of Oracle Solaris OS Firmware and Software on page 4 Patch Information on page 5 Oracle Solaris OS Has Changed How It Specifies Logical Device Names on page 6 ...

Page 6: ...models is the CMM on the rear of the chassis Left CMM 501 7379 on the N6000 AC 594 6438 chassis and the N6000 DC 594 6726 chassis Right CMM 511 1531 on the N6000 DC 7100417 chassis and the N6000 AC 7100418 chassis Right CMM Product Part Number 7019286 or higher on the 7100417 chassis and the 7100418 chassis This CMM is required to support the Sun Blade 6000 Virtualized 40GbE Network Express Module...

Page 7: ... Provides GbE connectivity no FEM required RAID Express Modules REMs SG SAS6 REM Z Sun Blade 6000 RAID 0 1 SAS2 HBA REM For internal storage connectivity Fabric Expansion Modules FEMs X5735A 10GbE XAUI Pass Through FEM For 10GbE network connectivity Must be installed in the FEM X and FEM 0 motherboard connectors X4871A Z Dual 10GbE PCIe 2 0 FEM Intel For 10GbE network connectivity Must be installe...

Page 8: ...le X7284A Z N 1GbE Quad Port ExpressModule Copper X1110A Z 10GbE Dual Port SFP Express Module Software Supported Versions Oracle Solaris OS on the server module host 10 9 10 Minimum 10 10 09 OS with Oracle Solaris 10 9 10 Patch Bundle Electronic prognostics on the server module host 1 1 1 Note This software provides early warning of the potential for specific FRU faults System firmware on server m...

Page 9: ...patches for Oracle Solaris 10 10 09 OS Oracle Solaris 10 9 10 Patch Bundle All required patches for Oracle Solaris 10 9 10 OS Access OS Patch and Firmware Updates 1 Access the latest OS patches and firmware information from the system administration portal Go to http www oracle com technetwork systems software stacks stacks index html 2 Under the Netra Carrier Grade Systems heading select the Netr...

Page 10: ...a predictable way to the physical ID of the disk in HDD slot 0 To reliably specify HDD slot 0 for the OS download operation you must determine the correspondence between the WWID value for that disk and its physical location You can do this by running probe scsi all and reading the output In the probe scsi all output look for the following disk identifiers SASDeviceName The WWID that the Oracle So...

Page 11: ... to the drive on which you want to install the software These WWID values are illustrated in the following interactive example The drive selected as the install target is located in HDD slot 0 the default OBP location pci 400 pci 1 pci 0 pci 2 LSI sas 0 SAS Controller MPT Version 2 00 Firmware Version 4 05 52 00 Target 9 Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST930003SSUN300G0868 585937500 Blocks 300 GB SASDeviceNam...

Page 12: the Suggested Minimum field this value is the approximate space needed to install the software you ve selected Keep selecting disks until the Total Selected value exceeds the Suggested Minimum value NOTE denotes current boot disk Disk Device Available Space c0t5000C50003D37FCBd0 286090 MB X c0t5000C500231694CFd0 286090 MB F4 to edit Total Selected 286090 MB Suggested Minimum 5032 MB ___________...

Page 13: ...sues on page 11 Oracle ILOM Issues on page 12 Oracle Solaris Issues on page 12 Related Documentation on page 18 Hardware Issues Time Changes After System Reset CR7127740 After a cold reset the server might add one day to the Oracle Solaris OS date and time This date change will only occur on the first cold reset after January 1 2012 Workaround Obtain firmware version 8 1 4 e or newer ...

Page 14: ...Dual Port SFP Express Module connected to the server module For example to hot plug remove an express module in slot PCI EM1 using cfgadm perform the following commands in the Oracle Solaris instance connected to the ExpressModule Replace Faulty DIMMs With Uncorrectable Errors as Soon as Possible CR 6996144 This issue is fixed in the Oracle Solaris 10 8 11 OS If a DIMM has an uncorrectable error U...

Page 15: ...tifies only DIMMs that ship installed in a system from the factory Although Oracle has not certified these DIMMs they are still supported You can safely ignore these warning messages System Firmware Issues Link Width x8 Link Speed GEN1 Warning Displayed During Power Up CR 6958263 This is fixed in SysFW 8 0 4 c and higher On rare occasions while powering up the server module the following error mes...

Page 16: ...r as the Chassis Serial Number CR 6669159 The last few lines of the prtdiag v output display the server module serial number as the Chassis Serial Number This label is misleading because it might be interpreted as the modular system chassis serial number Workaround Be aware that the prtdiag Chassis Serial Number is the server module serial number Oracle VTS disktest Might Fail on USB Devices CR 68...

Page 17: ...n the Oracle Solaris var adm messages file Workaround These messages are harmless and you can ignore them fault memory memlink uc Interconnect Fault Did Not Cause Panic as Stated by Knowledge Article CR 6940599 When a fault memory memlink uc interconnect fault is detected the system should shut down to protect memory integrity On intermittent occasions this fault has been reported during boot oper...

Page 18: ...R 6962912 When a 10GbE XAUI Pass Through FEM is used with an incompatible NEM such as a NEM and FEM combination not listed in Supported Modular Components on page 3 the following messages might be logged in the var adm messages file Workaround Ensure that your server module is configured with the correct NEM and FEM combination These messages are not an indication of malfunctioning hardware or sof...

Page 19: ...guration you might see the following messages in the system console The messages indicate that the Xsun server in the Oracle Solaris OS miniroot cannot find a supported driver for the AST graphics device in the service processor These messages are expected because the miniroot contains only the Xsun environment and the AST frame buffer astfb is supported only in the Xorg environment The Xorg envir...

Page 20: ...ver a degraded service processor should generate the following ereport ereport chassis sp unavailable To view ereport events use the fmdump eV command Refer to the fmdump 1M man page for instructions Workaround Clear all service processor faults to ensure that the service processor operates in a normal state False Error Report Events ereport Generated When System Is Booted With a Degraded Service ...

Page 21: ...r module When the Enterprise Manager process hangs it continues to listen on its web UI port which makes the process unkillable This problem has been seen on servers running both the Java SE 5 0 version that is bundled with Oracle database software and the most recent downloadable Java SE 6 Update 22 version Workaround Reboot the system If the problem repeats contact your authorized service provid...

Page 22: ...90016 html REMs http www oracle com technetwork documentation oracle storage networking 190061 html NEMs http www oracle com technetwork documentation oracle blade sys 190001 html Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager Oracle ILOM 3 0 http www oracle com technetwork documentation sys mgmt networking 190072 html Oracle Solaris OS and other system software http www oracle com technetwork indexes docum...
