Chapter 2
Late-Breaking Information
Spurious Interrupt Message in System Console
(CR 6963563)
During normal operation and when running the Oracle VTS system exerciser, you
might see the following message in the system console or in the
You can safely ignore these messages.
Spurious Error Message During Initial Oracle
Solaris OS Installation (CR 6971896)
This issue only occurs when you are performing an installation using a keyboard,
mouse, and monitor.
The miniroot is a bootable root file system that includes the minimum Oracle Solaris
OS software required to boot the server module and configure the OS. The miniroot
runs only during the installation process. When the server module boots the
miniroot for the initial configuration, you might see the following messages in the
system console:
The messages indicate that the Xsun server in the Oracle Solaris OS miniroot cannot
find a supported driver for the AST graphics device in the service processor.
These messages are expected because the miniroot contains only the Xsun
environment, and the AST frame buffer (
) is supported only in the Xorg
environment. The Xorg environment is included in the installed OS. Therefore, you
can use the graphics device when running the installed OS.
You can safely ignore these messages.
date time hostname
px: [ID 781074 kern.warning] WARNING: px0: spurious
interrupt from ino 0x
date time hostname
px: [ID 548919 kern.info] ehci-0#0
date time hostname
px: [ID 100033 kern.info]
Fatal server error:
InitOutput: Error loading module for /dev/fb
giving up.
/usr/openwin/bin/xinit: Network is unreachable (errno 128):
unable to connect to X server
/usr/openwin/bin/xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.