To Restore the Netra Proxy Cache Configuration
If you have a backup diskette:
1. Insert your backup diskette in the drive of the Netra Proxy Cache Server.
2. At the
prompt, enter:
ok boot
Restoration is complete.
If you do not have a backup diskette:
1. At the
prompt, enter:
ok boot
2. Perform initial configuration as described in the Netra Proxy Cache Server
Configuration Guide or the Netra Proxy Cache Array Configuration Guide.
3. Load the Proxy Cache Administration page.
The procedure for loading this page is described in Chapter 3 of the Netra Proxy
Cache Array User’s Manual.
4. Perform proxy cache service configuration, if the server’s default values are not
appropriate for your use.
You can install the proxy cache, array, and array member configuration from your
administrative host or another array member that is running the proxy cache
administration server.
5. Click the Install Configuration link.
In the Install Configuration page, select the host you are restoring and click Install
Selected Hosts.
See the Netra Proxy Cache Array Configuration Guide for details on the Install
Configuration feature.
Netra Proxy Cache 1.0 Server to Array Upgrade Instructions
Revision A, March 1998