Sumak SHT EEEJY Series Introduction And Use Manual Download Page 9



If it is not mentioned during order, that the hydrophore will do suction, it is manufactured with 

suction collectors as standart. In case of making suction to one of hydrophores , you must 

disassemble the suction collectors and do seperate installation for each; because of valve 

included in pump suction you must disassemble the check valves in discharge side should 

be  canceled  or  drill  a  hole  in  plastic  housing  with  4mm  diameter;  after  that  you  must 

assemble to its place. If you don’t obey these rules during assembly, your hydrophore will 

be out of guarantee. Keep suction pipe as short as possible make sure that there is no air 

in  and  impermeable.  Do  not  use  pump  equipment  for  carrying  or  support.  During  pump 

assembly, use sleeves in the inlets and outlets of the pump being equal to inlet and outlet 

mouths.  Do  not  collapse  inputs  and  outputs  certainly.  Be  careful  that  there  is  not  any 

dust,burr,sand and metal pieces left inside the pipe system you will use.  Such metarials in 

the pipe equipment can damage the pump.

Filter and colander which is selected to hold big solid particules like dirt and gravel in the 

suction side, should be cleaned after weekly working period. Otherwise the mechanical seal 

and other internal equipments can be damaged.

Especially the components like bottom flap, strainer, filter, check valve should be selected 

suitable for free transition. Pipe system must be supported from the points close to pump 

dering installation. If there is tension or cotraction in pipe system. Be careful not to effect the 

pump working.

Suction line has to be 


Emiş Hattı 


Basma Hattındaki 

Emniyet Ventilini Su 

Deposuna Bağlayınız

Connect the security 

valve onthe pressure 

line to the water store


Summary of Contents for SHT EEEJY Series


Page 2: ...perating manual as long as usage the pump Do not work the pump out of the information is given Pay attention to the label values while usage the pump Bas n l su temininde end striyel ve turistik tesis...

Page 3: a way in which they are not harmed while they are loaded and unloaded from the transportion vehicle Wear gloves rigid edge shoes and casque during carrings Take safety precautions use elevator or c...

Page 4: ...arak pompa g vdesinin atlamas na sebebiyet verecektir 19 Pompa al rken pompaya ve suya dokunmay n z 20 Pompa ve pompa ba lant l borular bas n alt nda iken kesinlikle pompa zerinde al ma yapmay n z 21...

Page 5: ...suyun birikece i bir ukur a p drenaj pompas yard m yla suyun tahliyesini yaparak hidroforunuzun zarar g rmemesini sa lay n z 4 Su basma ihtimaline kar n pompan n elektrik ebekesi ile olan irtibat n ke...

Page 6: ...fore running the hydrophore 12 Always hold the control panel cover be closed 13 Certainly take of the power supply cables before doing mounting repairing or maintenance on the hydrophore En sure that...

Page 7: ...n z sayfa 18 12 Motor al yor fakat pompa su basm yor bak n z sayfa 18 CONTROL OF TURNING DIRECTION The pump s turning direction is shown with an arrow sign in the front side of the pump or motor By st...

Page 8: ...giri ve k lar daraltmay n z Kullanaca n z boru sisteminin i inde toz apak kum metal par alar n n kalmamas na dikkat ediniz Bu t r boru donan m i indeki malzemeler pompaya zarar verebilir Pompa emi tar...

Page 9: ...s in the inlets and outlets of the pump being equal to inlet and outlet mouths Do not collapse inputs and outputs certainly Be careful that there is not any dust burr sand and metal pieces left inside...

Page 10: ...y ksekli i azal r Bu durumdaki pompa onar larak tekrar devreye al n r b ylece pompa performans yenilenmi olur 4 Pompa se imine ve y ksek verimli sistem tasar m na bizlerin g sterece i zen sayesinde en...

Page 11: ...da bir kontrol edilmelidir 3 Mekanik Donan m Kontrol Pompa mekanik salmastral ise herhangi bir bak m gerekmeyecektir Mekanik salmast ralardan ok az su gelebilir s zan su o kadar azd r ki fark edilmez...

Page 12: ...d be checked every 6 months 3 Control of Mechanical Equipment If the pump has mechanical seal it will not need any maintenance Small amount of water can come from mechanical seali this is so few that...

Page 13: servis a r lmal d r Kaplindeki eksenel ka kl k ve a sal hatalar giderilmeden pompa kullan lmamal d r 14 Yataklamalarda g r lt titre im veya normalden y ksek s max 800C fark edilirse pompa durdurul...

Page 14: ...ty goggles masks and so on 4 Ensure business and business security by contacting your first supervisor for any situation you do not know or are unsure about MAK NE N ZEL G VENL K TAL MATLARI NEML 1 G...

Page 15: ...m efforts to understand the safety instructions and take the necessary precautions When examining the safety basics look at the product introduction pictures together 2 All parts of the motor have onl...

Page 16: ...1 Pompan n bak m ve onar m sadece yetkili servisler taraf ndan yap lmal d r 2 Her 6 ayda bir yetkili servis taraf ndan kontrol edilip periyodik bak m yap lmal d r A nan par alar de i tirilmelidir 3 P...

Page 17: ...running If the coupling rubber bearing bearings or bushings are worn they must be replaced by authorized service personnel 10 The motor must be stopped if there is vibration or noise from the couplin...

Page 18: ...z nt y tamir ediniz Emi hatt havas n al n z fazdan L1 ve L2 fazlar n n yerini de i tiriniz Pompan n havas n al n z Vanalar a n z Emme veya basma vanas kapal d r Yetkili servise ba vurunuz Yatak veya...

Page 19: ...y checking recor connection parts Take the air vent of suction line Change the places of the phases L1 and L2 which are one of there phases Take the air vent of the pump Open the valves Tighten the co...

Page 20: ...4 Glen 14 1107 Glen O ringi Glen O ring 15 1088 Verici G vde Transmitter Body 16 0703 O ring O ring 17 1089 Mekanik Salmastra Mechanical Seal 18 1090 Mekanik Bask Pulu Mechanical Compression Flake 19...

Page 21: ...097 Verici G vde Norly Transmitter Body Norly 18 1523 Mil Sekman 25x1 2 Shaft Piston Ring 25x1 2 19 2668 Pompa G vdesi Norly Pump Body Norly 20 2110 Pompa Saplamas Pump Stud 21 2099 Kademe Norly Stage...

Page 22: ...16 1605 Alt Yatak Burcu Bottom Housing Bush 17 1609 Alt Yatak Kapak O ringi Bottom Housing Cover O ring 18 1585 Alt Yatak Kapa Bottom Housing Cover 19 1608 D k m ase Casting Chasis 20 0934 Mekanik Sal...

Page 23: 10 1563 Salmastra Sulama Halkas Seal Irragation Ring 11 1562 Yumu ak Salmastra Soft Seal 12 1561 Salmastra Gleni Seal Glen 13 1581 ark Kamas Impeller Wedge 14 1564 Saplama Stud 15 1547 Su Deflekt r...

Page 24: ...Flange Bolt 05 2049 Al c G vde Receiver Body 06 1031 ark Tespit Somunu Impeller Retaining Nut 07 1032 ark Tespit Pulu Impeller Retaining Flake 08 2051 Dif z r Diffuser 09 2054 Mekanik Bask Burcu Mecha...

Page 25: ...16 1660 Kademe Stage 17 1667 Pompa Saplamas Pump Stud 18 1659 Verici Dif z r Trasmitter Diffuser 19 1658 Verici G vde Trasmitter Body 20 1509 Salmastra Sulama Burcu Stuffing irrigation 21 1518 Mil O r...

Page 26: ...amamlay n z Ya seviyesini kontrol ediniz Kablo soketleri kontrol ediniz Dizelin havas n al n z el gaz n n yan nda pompas vard r a a ya pompalayarak pompan n solunda bulunan yak t gerid n hortumun dan...

Page 27: ...a pump next to hand throttle this issue will be continued until the fuel will come by pumping to below from the recycling pipe which is on the left of pump Do not run the other pumps and the diesel p...

Page 28: ...or ya s n fland r lmas na g re CF veya CF 4 s n f nda olmal d r Uygun ya se imi silindir eperlerinde ve yatak y zeylerinde bir ya filmi olu turacak g venli bir al ma i in daha az mar lama g c sa lar S...

Page 29: Oil Standarts Suitable oil selection will supply less starting force in order to have safety work by forming an oil layer in cylinder walls and surface of bearings Cooling Fluid has to be chosen as...

Page 30: ...r 4 YA ve su kirlili i kontrol edilmelidir 5 Yak t pisli i ve su mevcudiyeti kontrol edilmelidir 6 Titre im ve ses seviyesi kontrol edilmelidir 7 Egzoz gaz rengi kontrol edilmelidir 8 Kartel havaland...

Page 31: ...e dirt of oil and water 5 Check the fuel dirt and availability of water 6 Check the voice level and vibration 7 Check the colour of exhaust gas 8 Check the airing of kartel 9 Check the air suction and...

Page 32: ...Supaplar ta lay n Silindir kapak contas nda bir ka rma varsa silindir kapak somunlar iyi s k lmal d r Verilen speklere g re yeniden ayarlay n ve di li i aretlerini hizalay n arj edin Ba lant lar kont...

Page 33: ...specs and clean the injector valves or change them Check the rings or liners or change them Lash the valves If there is leakage on the sylinder cover seals cylender cover screws have to tight stronge...

Page 34: ...c ok az Motor a r y klenmi Motor a r h za ka yor Governor ar zal Pompa mili s k kl n kontrol edin ok fazla yak t beslemesi Verilen speklere g re yeniden ayarlay n Havay kar n Pompay dengeli olmas i in...

Page 35: ...very high Over or less oil included Insufficient circulation with oil pressure is very low Engine overloading Engine running Overspeed Governor is defective Check the firming of pump shaft Over fuel f...

Page 36: ...and r lan yerlerde saklay n LLC i eriyorsa so utma suyunun bo alt lmas gerekli de ildir Start anahtar na ya da kumandalar n zerine ALI TIRMAYIN i areti veya benzer bir uyar etiketi tak n Koruyucu yeri...

Page 37: ...engine in order to aviod from weather conditions Note Keep the engine in a place well vantilated When includes LLC dont need to remove cooling water Put a DO NOT RUN label on the start key or contolle...

Page 38: ...u veya turbo ajlarda s izolasyonu yap lmaz 4 Motor odas nda bir adet yang n s nd rme cihaz bulunmal d r 5 Ak ler m mk nse havaland rmas ayr yap lan ve bak m rahat a yap labilecek ekil de bir b l mde y...

Page 39: ...hargers 4 1 fire extinguisher must be available in engine room 5 Acumulators has to stay where the the ventilation is seperate and easy maintained also acumulator cables should be as short as possible...

Page 40: ...lm bir davlumbazla esnek olarak ba lanmal d r E er makina titre im takozlar zerine monte edilmi se esnek ba lant olmas zellikle ok nemlidir Benzer ekilde hava giri yeri l leri radyat r matriksinden 2...

Page 41: ...flange has to fasten flexible with a hood made metal or canvas to shutter frame If the machine montaged on the vibration insulators especially very important to have flexi ble connections A r input s...

Page 42: ...1 2 3 oran nda 100 mm slump a ve 28 g nl k dayan m 20 MPa olan imento Kum Kat maddesi kar m tavsiye edilir Kaide 300 mm arayla 6 no lu in aat demiri ile kuvvetlerndirilmelidir Demir st y zeyden 75 mm...

Page 43: exhaust line This pressure value should be below of the value that is given by engine manufacturer As a practical application appling of each elbow 1 meter elongation in the exhaust line pipe diame...

Page 44: ...Asgari Kablo Kesiti mm2 Minimum Cable Cuts mm2 Asgari Kablo Kesiti mm2 Minimum Cable Cuts mm2 zin verilen azami kablo uzunlu u m The maximum allowable cable lenght m Monofaze 220 V 50 Hz Single Phase...

Page 45: ...h lde t ketici di er se imlik haklar n kullanmakta serbesttir 5 T keticinin s zle meden d nme veya ay p oran nda bedelden indirim hakk n se ti i durumlarda demi oldu u bedelin t m veya bedelden yap l...

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Page 48: ...motor motor al t r lmas responsible...
