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ExacTorq Operation

Grasp ExacTorq handle and insert bit into/onto fastener, making sure the fastener drive is fully engaged. Align
the axis of the ExacTorq with the axis of the fastener. Rotate the ExacTorq steadily in the direction of tightening
until the tool clicks. Further rotation will not increase the applied torque.

Care & Cleaning

When the screwdriver will not be used for a period of time, it should be stored at the lowest torque setting. The
screwdriver should be cleaned only with a clean damp cloth.

Calibration Instructions

Required Equipment

Hex key (0.50”) for Thimble set screw

Hex Key (5/64” for Knob set screws

Torque analyzer of +/- 1% or better I.V. accuracy from 20% to 100% of tool capacity.


1. Screwdriver test points should be at 20%, 60% and 100% of tool capacity. The accuracy at each test point

should be +/- 6% of the set point. Testing sequence is from lowest to highest test point.

2. Adjust screwdriver to test point. Align screwdriver with torque transducer on analyzer.

3. Test torque. If all checks at all test points are within tolerance, no adjustment is needed and the tool may be

returned to service. If not, go to next step.

4. Adjust tool to 20% of capacity. Test. If readings are out of tolerance, disregard makings on shaft of screw-

driver and turn Knob until readings are in tolerance at 20% of capacity. If finer adjustment than 1 increment
is needed, remove Knob (next step) and adjust.

5. Loosen the Thimble set screw with the hex key. Loosen the Knob set screws with the hex key and remove

Knob, making sure not to lose the detent ball, lock pin or springs. Set parts aside. Make any fine adjust-
ments required by rotating Knob stem CW or CCW to obtain required readings at 20% of capacity. Rotate
the Thimble until the edge of the Thimble is even with the lowest setting line on the Shaft. Retighten Thimble
set screw. Place
detent ball, lock pin
and springs back in
their original
installed positions.
Reinstall Knob with
the “0” mark on the
Knob aligned with
the Arrow on the
Handle so parts next
in a detent recess.
Hold Knob on han-
dle with sufficient
force to keep parts
in position and tighten the Knob set screws. Repeat steps 2 & 3.

Factory Repair, Parts & Calibration

Parts are available through your local S/R distributor. Factory repair (warranty & non-warranty) and NIST-trace-
able calibration and certification are available by sending product to Sturtevant Richmont.

