Re-attach Top Jaws
using the following directions:
To replace the Top Jaws on your STRONG-
HOLD, first make sure that both the top of
the base jaw (still in the chuck) and the bot-
tom of the Top Jaw (to be put on) are free of
dirt. Next, locate the Top Jaw with the safety
pin. Place it on the base jaw adjacent to the
slot (patented feature) and replace the screws.
After the top jaw with the pin is mounted on
the chuck, the other three top jaws can be
placed on the chuck body at random (making sure
that all the contact surfaces are free of dirt).
There are two slots:
The Long Slot
is for experienced turners. It is machined to allow the jaws
maximum outward travel without the base jaws coming out of the scroll,
effectively preventing jaw fly-out when the lathe is started.
The Short Slot
is for beginners and school use. This slot is machined to
stop base jaws from protruding out of the chuck, which can be a hazard to
knuckles when working close to the chuck.
Bottom view of Top Jaw
with pin
Replacing Top Jaws:
5. Re-Mount the Adaptor.
(refer to page 8)
d. Rotate the scroll until you can see the thread start at location 2.
e. Back the scroll up and slide the No. 2. base jaw into the slot. Push on the
jaw, and rotate the scroll, as you did for the No. 1 base jaw.
f. Repeat these steps for the No. 3
and No. 4 base jaws.
g. Rotate the scroll all the way in to
check that all the jaws meet in the
centre. If they don't, you may have
put the base jaws onto the scroll in
the wrong order, or into the wrong
slots, or one of the jaws may not
have engaged properly onto the
scroll. If the jaws do not meet in the
centre, open the scroll until the jaws
come out, and give it another try.
If , after a second try, the jaws do not close properly, remove them and
inspect for damage. It is possible that through accidental mishandling, the
first half tooth on base jaw No. 1 has broken off. If this has happened, repeat
the process above, but start by inserting base jaw No. 2 first, then No. 3, No.
4 and finally No. 1.
STRONGHOLD with Top Jaws removed. After replacing base jaws, you must
check that they all meet in the centre.