8. Dismantling the equipment / deactivation following operation
Once work has been completed, the device arms should be closed until the tips are only a
few millimeters apart. This relieves the hydraulic and mechanical strain on the equipment.
Clean the device after each operation and grease all metal surfaces as well as all moving
parts. The lock pin (button) of the plug-on tips should also be greased from time to time.
Greasing provides protection against excessive wear and tear as well as corrosion.
Avoid storing the equipment in a damp environment.
Never store the device with fully closed arms or a fully retracted piston! By fully
closing the arms, hydraulic pressure and mechanical tension may develop in
the device.
9. Maintenance and service
The device is subject to very high mechanical stresses. A visual inspection must therefore
be carried out after every use and a more in-depth inspection must be carried out every six
months. These inspections enable the early detection of wear and tear, which means that
punctual replacement of these wearing parts prevents breakage. Regularly check the torque
of the pivot bolt. (You will
nd the torque speci
cation for the pivot bolt in the chapter on
“Technical Data”.)
An annual inspection of the tool is due once a year. This inspection must be performed by
a person with the necessary expertise. This means that the person must possess adequate
specialist knowledge and experience in the
elds of electrical engineering and hydraulics, so
that they can objectively assess the condition of the tool.
Clean off any dirt before checking the equipment!
To perform maintenance and repairs, personal safety equipment appropriate
for the work is a mandatory requirement.
The maintenance and repair staff must have adequate technical and specialized
HURST offers appropriate training courses for this.