We now need to attach the two rear side rails
(Model shown slightly different bit method the same)
With the help of a second person stand both the headboards up.
The white
CHALK MARKINGS must be facing inwards
ready to attach
the guard and side rails. You need to attach the two siderails only first, this
helps the frame stand still before fitting the guard rails. The side rails go in the
third and fourth (bottom) set of hole groups on the corner post.
Shown in PIC 5 on page 5. DO NOT TIGHTEN THESE YET, simply attach
the bolts but leave loose until you have attached the guard rails.
Now we need to attach the back guard rails,
these go at the very top
Top Guard Rail, part 2 - Marked RED
(fixing, see PIC1 on page 5)
Bottom Guard Rail, part 3 - Marked WHITE
(fixing, see PIC2 on page 5)
Please note the mattress safety notice MUST be facing inside the bunk and
not upside down. Once the guard rails have been attached now tighten ALL
the fixings..
Now we Build the Ladder
Depending on your model we have two ladder types, slanted
or straight .
If slanted model you will have two identical ladder struts
If Straight ladder, you will have two different size ladder
At this stage is makes no difference, you need to attach the
ladder steps. To prevent movement the ladder rungs need to
be tight. The holes on the ladder struts have been mis- drilled
by 2mm to ensure a tight fitting. Locate each ladder to the
holes on the struts. Using the small confirmat bolt (Fixing F)
dip them in the glue and push BOTH through the strut, you
will note they will not quite meet the hole on the step.
To meet the holes on the step the bolts will be at an angle,
this is correct. Locate these over to the holes and screw both
the bolts in evenly. If you screw one in fully the second will
not meet the hole, screw both in slowly until tight. DO NOT
attach the ladder hooks yet.