We Now need to attach the base slats.
You will have twelve extra wide base slats. Push the first slat tight with
the footboard corner posts, then using the base slat spacer block evenly
space out the remaining base slats. DO NOT SCREW IN PLACE YET.
Now push the slats flush to the left hand side rail and screw in (do not
screw the right hand side yet). Now go to the right hand side and start
with the slat near the centre. Push the side rail in so the slat is flush, then
fix using the screw. This aligns the side rail. Now fix the remaining base
TIP:-When you have attached the base slats you will have
additional base slats screws. Out of the 12 slats screw 4 of
them directly into the centre rail. Using the base slat
screws simply drill through the top of the base slat into the
centre rail. This will further strengthen the bed.
Attaching The Centre Rails
SINGLE BUNK BEDS - Attaching Two Centre Rails
Each bunk have a centre rail. From the inside of the bed we need to attach metal brackets, one
either end. These are fixed using the small screws (L), these are fixed to part 13 (blue) - third
insert down from the top. Using a tape mark a centre line from each corner post, then measure
and mark 55mm from the top of the BLUE Facia(13). Now position the top of the bracket (J)
just below this mark, attach with the small screw (L)
DOUBLE BUNK BED - Attaching Four Centre Rails
Same as above except each bunk has TWO centre rails. So, rather than mark one centre point we
need to mark two. So, on part 13 Blue Facia
4ft Double Model - Mark two points 40cm from each corner post
4ft 6 Double Model - Mark two points 45cm from each corner post
Once the centre rail brackets are in place you can insert these before attaching the base slats