Mk6 Theme Plus (Concentric valve) Issue 1.2 21/05/02
Page 12 of 14
Servicing should be carried out at least once a year by a competent person in accordance with
these instructions and the relevant regulations, to ensure the safe and correct operation of the
Before commencing any service or replacement of parts, turn off the main gas and electrical
and ensure that the fire is cold.
When ordering spare parts please quote appliance serial number which can be found on the
data badge plate.
Examine the coals and ceramic blocks for signs of excessive cracking and replace if necessary.
Handle the ceramic components with care. Dust off any soot or deposits with a soft brush. Do
not vacuum clean.
Replacement of parts
With the exception of ceramic mouldings and loose coals, oxypilot assembly and injector, there
are no serviceable items. Should a fault develop, contact our service department which will
advise on which assembly or assemblies to return to the factory for repair and testing.
Removal of burner
1. Isolate the appliance from the mains electrical supply and turn off the gas supply by
the isolation cock.
2. Disconnect the 8mm pipe from the elbow at the left hand side of the burner.
3. Remove slotted cover and disconnect the 4-way plug from the circuit board.
4. Remove earth link screw from firebox side to release earth lead.
5. Remove the 2 screws holding the burner to the convection box and lift the burner out
of the opening.
6. Reassemble in the reverse order.
7. After servicing check for gas soundness.
Replacement of main injector
1. Remove the burner as described above.
2. Disconnect gas supply pipe to injector.
3. Unscrew injector and replace, making certain that the jet size stamping corresponds to
the specification on the Data Badge plate.
4. Reassemble in reverse order.
5. Turn on the gas supply and check for soundness.
Replacement of ignition/pilot assembly (oxypilot)
1. Remove the burner as described above.
2. Disconnect ignition lead to the igniter unit.
3. Disconnect the gas supply pipe to the pilot burner.
4. Disconnect the thermocouple from the main gas valve block.
5. Carefully slacken the two terminal screws retaining the insulated thermocouple lead to
the circuit board.
6. Take out the two screws securing the oxypilot to the mounting bracket and remove the
7. Lay the new oxypilot alongside the old unit and cut the insulated lead in the same
position as on the old unit. Strip back the insulation approximately 5mm.
8. Secure the new oxypilot assembly to the bracket and reconnect, taking care not to
damage the terminals on the circuit board.
9. Reassemble the appliance in reverse order.
10. Turn on the gas supply and check for gas soundness.
Removal of fan for cleaning
1. Isolate from mains electrical supply.
2. Remove terminal guard if fitted.