Position the pad bolt and latch where they will be fixed (the pad bolt sits on the door, and
the latch sits on the frame). Drill the necessary pilot holes and fix the pad bolt and latch
through the holes with rivets (Figure 9).
Your Stratco Handi-Garden Shed will maintain its good looks for even longer with a simple
wash and wipe down. Cleaning should be performed as often as is required to remove any
dirt, salt and pollutants.
Stratco Handi-Sheds are produced from the highest quality materials and will provide
many years of service, refer to the ‘Selection Use and Maintenance’ brochure for more
information on how to get the best out of your product.
Figure 9
The installer is responsible for ensuring the slab or concrete squares are sufficient to
support the shed and sustain wind loading. Do not anchor your shed directly to pavers.
The shed must be securely bolted to a permanent concrete base with sufficient masonry
anchors to prevent wind uplift. It is particularly important that masonry anchors are
placed within 100mm of the shed corners and openings.
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trade marks of Stratco (Australia) Pty Limited.
© Copyright February 08