Step 4: Check edging strip
The edging strip is factory fitted to
the front side edges of the appliance
front frame. This strip provides the
cabinetry with extra protection from
any escape of heat.
When installing the product, ensure
that the edging strip is correctly located
on the outer edges of the front frame,
before positioning and securing the
appliance to the cabinet.
When securing the appliance, the
fixing screws provided are driven
through the edging strips into the
cabinet - the seal will straighten up
and sit flush to the cabinet when the
screws are fully home.
Step 5: Secure appliance into
housing unit
Insert appliance into cabinet.
The unit housing the appliance
must be appropriately fixed.
To secure the appliance to the housing
unit, open the oven door and screw 2
screws through the top corner holes in
the front frame.
front frame