Chapter IV : S9 III Operations
Fig. 4.5 - Example of receiver files
As Fig. 4.5 , for example ,shows, .
file is the configuration file stored in the memory of S9III.
You can copy the original file to PC and if necessary modify the file names. You can open also
the “CONFIG.INI” file. You can open it as a simple text file and set some parameters of static
mode: sampling frequency, minimum elevation angle, etc. Please modify this parameters with
care and don’t change any parameter which is not clear because you could compromise the
correct working of the receivers.
You can use the STONEX
to download the raw data and set the parameters in a safer
way, as explained in Chapter V.
IV.7 Registration of the receiver
If the provisional license expired, you need to insert a new license code in the receiver for
continuing to use it.