Initial Configuration
I n i t i a l C o n fi g u r a t i o n
To start using the appliance, you must activate the network interfaces
and establish a secure connection to the Management Server as
outlined in the sections below.
There are three ways to configure the engine software.
Plug-and-play configuration
: Connect the antennas (
some models only
and the cables to the appliance. The appliance automatically
connects to the Stonesoft Installation Server, downloads the initial
configuration, and connects to the Management Server.
Automatic configuration
: You can configure the engine automatically
with a USB stick that contains the initial configuration.
Engine Configuration Wizard
: If plug-and-play configuration or
automatic configuration is not possible or desired, you can use the
Engine Configuration Wizard.
To successfully complete the initial configuration, the following steps are
required before you can configure the appliance:
1. The Firewall element must be defined in the Management Center.
2. Engine-specific configuration information must be available from the
Management Server. The required information depends on the
configuration method:
Plug-and-play configuration
: The engine’s initial configuration has
been uploaded to the Stonesoft Installation Server.
Automatic configuration
: You have the initial configuration file on a
USB stick.
Engine Configuration Wizard
: You have a one-time password for the
See the
Firewall/VPN Installation Guide
for details.
Continue according to the selected configuration method:
Configuring the Engine with Plug-and-Play Method
(page 14)
Configuring the Engine Automatically
(page 15)
Using the Engine Configuration Wizard
(page 16)
Note –
If the appliance does not have a DSL port and no 3G modem
is plugged in to the appliance, Ethernet port 0 is the only port that
can be used for connecting to the Installation Server.
Note –
The appliance must contact the Management Server before it
can be operational.