GPS (Global
Positioning System)
A radio navigation system that allows land, sea,
and airborne users to determine their exact
location, velocity, and time 24 hours a day, in all
weather conditions, anywhere in the world.
HOS (Hours of Service) A professional driver’s time, as regulated by the
DOT. Hours of Service are tracked using a log of
time spent in various statuses: On Duty Not
Driving, Driving, Off Duty and Sleeper Berth.
Limits are placed on how much time a driver can
work, and how much time he / she must take off
to rest.
OBD (On-board
An automotive term referring to a vehicle's self-
diagnostic and reporting capability.
Protocols: CAN J1939,
ISO15765, J1587,
Industry standards for communicating data/
information within heavy, medium & light duty
RODS (Record of Duty
A log of a driver’s Hours of Service. This may be
recorded using a paper log (under certain
circumstances) or electronically using an ELD.