dangerous and generally will
only work on the flue section
nearest the fire, leaving the rest
of the flue unaffected.
F. Inspect the top cap and opening in your
chimney top and remove any debris that could
clog it. If possible, birds will often nest there, and
it must be kept clear of nest material.
G. Check the metal flashing and seals around the
chimney. Seal any cracks or loose nail heads to
prevent roof leaks.
H. Cover the firebox opening with a damp sheet
and seal with masking tape to retain soot in the
firebox while cleaning.
I. Inspect the entire flue from the top down for
obstructions. Use a flexible handled cleaning
brush. If the chimney contains offset/return el-
bows, clean from the top down to the offset, then
from the firebox up to the offset.
J. Check the flue from inside the fireplace with
the damper open for obstructions.
K. After completion of cleaning, use a vacuum
cleaner to remove all soot and residue from the