Figure 2 can be met. Proceed as follows. Numbers
in ( ) are item numbers from Table 1 and Figure 1.
Make sure the base on which the fireplace is to be
installed is a solid and level foundation and is com-
posed of non-combustible material, such as con-
Select a high temperature fire clay or refractory
cement and mix according to manufacturer’s in-
3.2 Assembly of Components
Components that become broken during shipment
and handling can be mortared back together pro-
viding the breaks or cracks are clean and the origi-
nal alignment can be maintained. Components
broken into multiple pieces must be replaced.
If this is your first Stone Age installation, it is sug-
gested that you first assemble the components
without mortar to familiarize yourself with how the
components fit together.
A. Determine the height off the floor you want to
place the base plate (1). The base plate, plus fire-
brick, will be about 5 ½ inches thick. Set cement
blocks under the base plate to obtain the desired
B. When the base is level and square, set the
baseplate (1). Level it from side to side and front
to back.
C. As shown in Figure 1, install the four sidewall
pieces (2) and the back plates (3 and 4). Use one-
half inch of mortar joint between each section.
Smooth out mortar and make sure sections remain
D. Lay a straightedge across the left and right
sidewall to make sure level is maintained.
E. Install the slanted sides (6 and 7), and the back
header (5). Check the sides and the top with a
F. After installation of the back header (5), in-
stall the firebrick inside the firebox. Cover the
floor first with 1/8-inch high temperature cement.
On the sides, stand the brick on its sides and leave
a half inch space between the firebrick and fire-
place walls. Make a 1/8-inch mortar joint. Stack
brick until it is flush with the tops of pieces 5,6
and 7. See Figure 3.
Figure 3. Install Firebrick
G. After fire brick installation is complete, install
the front header (8).
H. Install the cast iron damper. See Figure 4.
Attach poker handle through damper to damper
door. Set damper on top of firebox with handle
facing toward front of the fireplace. The bottom
lip of the damper should rest on the firebrick with
the front lip resting on the front header (8). Mor-
tar damper in place. Make sure the damper opens
and closes properly.
Figure 4. Install Damper
I. Install the first complete ring of four inter-
locking throat components (items 9, 10, 11 and
12). Check with a level.
J. Install second ring of four throat components
(Items 13, 14 15 16). Check with a level.
K. Install the first smaller ring of throat compo-
nents, consisting of items 17. 18, 19 and 20. Make
sure the ring is centered.
L. Install the smaller ring halves, items 21 and 22.
M. Install the last ring, item 23 if a Stone Age
chimney system is to be used. Install Stone Age