Close the isolating valve between the unit and system, and switch on the unit.
The pump should run up to cut-out pressure, and stop.
Crack open the system isolating valve, and observe the pressure gauge on the unit.
Note the pressure at which the pump starts, and adjust this pressure if required to suit the system fill
pressure determined from design data.
Close the system isolating valve.
Lower the pressure within the unit by draining away and note the pressure at which the system low
pressure cut-out switch operates.
Run the pump thereby raising the pressure and note the pressure at which the system high pressure
switch operates.
Check that these pressures are correct, and that the burner / chiller shutdown contacts operate
SEB200 units have an additional pump.
On initial switch-on at low pressure, the standby pump will run to cut out pressure and stop,
whereupon the duty pump will start and run to its cut-out pressure.
On falling pressure, the duty pump will start at its cut-in pressure.
Should this pump fail to start the pressure will continue to fall until the standby pump starts.
Note that only one pump ever operates at one time.
Open the valves to the system and switch on.
The unit will run, if required, to bring the system up to the fill pressure.
If the pressure in the system is already higher than the fill pressure, drain water from the system until
the unit runs, then close the drain point, and allow the unit to switch off.
This ensures that the correct fill pressure has been achieved. Commissioning of the unit is now
Please note that Stokvis cannot accept any warranty claims in respect of units which have not been
commissioned in accordance with the above procedure, nor for units where the settings vary from our