Memory and bus architecture
DocID018909 Rev 11
2.1.11 AHB/APB
The two AHB/APB bridges, APB1 and APB2, provide full synchronous connections between
the AHB and the two APB buses, allowing flexible selection of the peripheral frequency.
Refer to the device datasheets for more details on APB1 and APB2 maximum frequencies,
and to
for the address mapping of AHB and APB peripherals.
After each device reset, all peripheral clocks are disabled (except for the SRAM and Flash
memory interface). Before using a peripheral you have to enable its clock in the
RCC_AHBxENR or RCC_APBxENR register.
When a 16- or an 8-bit access is performed on an APB register, the access is transformed
into a 32-bit access: the bridge duplicates the 16- or 8-bit data to feed the 32-bit vector.
2.2 Memory
Program memory, data memory, registers and I/O ports are organized within the same linear
4 Gbyte address space.
The bytes are coded in memory in little endian format. The lowest numbered byte in a word
is considered the word’s least significant byte and the highest numbered byte, the word’s
most significant.
For the detailed mapping of peripheral registers, please refer to the related chapters.
The addressable memory space is divided into 8 main blocks, each of 512 MB.
All the memory areas that are not allocated to on-chip memories and peripherals are
considered “Reserved”). Refer to the memory map figure in the product datasheet.
2.3 Memory
See the datasheet corresponding to your device for a comprehensive diagram of the
memory map.
gives the boundary addresses of the peripherals available in all
STM32F4xx devices.
Table 1. STM32F4xx register boundary addresses
Boundary address
Register map
0xA000 0000 - 0xA000 0FFF
FSMC control register
FMC control register
(STM32F42xxx and
Section 36.6.9: FSMC register map on page 1587
Section 37.8: FMC register map on page 1667