Figure 5.
STBLESensor app - Environmental tab
Step 5.
Scroll the display to left/right to move over the different tabs available in the app (plots of environmental
sensors, accelerometer, Rssi and battery information).
Rssi and Battery information tab
The Rssi and Battery information tab shows the transmission signal Rssi level and a fully detailed information list
related to the battery when the system is powered by solar modules:
Charging level [%]
Status (Discharging/Charging)
Voltage [V]
Current [mA] (net current = charging current minus load current)
Estimated system autonomy [minutes], according to the charge level and to the current drained by the load
The harvested current allows increasing the system autonomy significantly.
The figure below shows the Rssi and battery information tab in 3 different cases:
without any external recharge source connected to the cradle board (neither USB nor PV panels)
with PV panels
with a USB source connected
STBLESensor app description
Rev 2
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