49. Revisit all interior formers previously dry fit or
tack glued, with CA glue to thoroughly bond
50. Sand fuselage with sanding block and 400 grit
paper. Remove protrusion of F11 forward of
F7 windscreen. Lightly radius corners of
51. Cover fuselage using a high quality light
weight covering film. We suggest AeroLITE
by Stevens AeroModel. Note that the plan set
contains a trim guide for the scalloped
covering scheme represented on the product
packaging. Windows may be left open or
covered using clear AeroLITE or acetate.
Some modelers may choose to use an
opaque black or silver covering to represent
the windows instead of leaving them clear or
KIT UPDATE 02.01.2011
We now provide a laser cut Acetate wind
screen. Remove backing paper from
windscreen and fold at edges of “front”
window. Use the plan set as a guide to
position the wind screen within fuselage and
retain using canopy glue or medium CA glue.
Set fuselage aside until final assembly.
Final Assembly
52. Following “Landing Gear Detail” on plan set
accurately bend landing gear using needle
nose pliers and included 1/32 in. wire.
53. Trim covering on fuselage to expose landing
gear pocket. Test fit landing gear within gear
pocket of fuselage. Remove.
54. Install wheels of your choosing to landing
gear. We suggest Du-Bro 1-1/4 in. mini lite
w h e e l s [ D U B 1 2 5 M W ] a v a i l a b l e a t
stevensaero.com. Retain wheels by making a
90 degree bend in gear axle and trimming
excess wire as illustrated on plan set.
55. Install landing gear within fuselage and retain
with 1/32 ply part F19 as illustrated on plan
set. Friction alone should be sufficient to
retain F19 allowing easy removal of landing
gear. If desired, retain F19 and landing gear
within fuselage using CA glue.
56. Paint F20 tail skid to match trim scheme of
model. Open covering in fuselage where tail
skid installs. Fit and bond F20 to fuselage
using medium CA glue.
57. Cut the provided 4 in. length of 1/8 in.
hardwood dowel to 1 and 2 in. lengths
forming front and rear wing retention dowels.
If desired, paint these dowels to match your
trim scheme.
58. Use a hot soldering iron or knife to open oval
pocket at top/center of wind screen to allow
for installation of previously cut 1 in. length of
dowel (step 56). Reference plan set for
installation of forward wing retention dowel.
Bond within fuselage assembly from behind
wind screen and underneath top former F11.
59. Use a hot soldering iron or knife to open
circular pockets immediately aft of rear former
F3 to allow for installation of previously cut 2
in. length of dowel (step 56). Center 2 in.
dowel between fuselage sides through holes
behind rear former F3. Make certain equal
amounts of dowel protrude beyond fuselage
sides on both right and left of fuselage. Once
centered, bond dowel with thin CA glue to
secure rear wing retention dowel.
60. Remove covering from tab on bottom of
vertical stabilizer where it will insert through
horizontal stabilizer and fuselage. Next,
remove covering over notch in top/aft deck of
fuselage to receive vertical stabilizer. Finally,
remove covering from rectangular slot in
center of horizontal stabilizer to allow tab on
bottom of vertical stabilizer to pass through
the slotted horizontal stabilizer.
61. Fit vertical stabilizer through horizontal
stabilizer nesting tab on vertical stabilizer
within slot at top rear of fuselage.
62. Center wing over fuselage and retain using
two #16 rubber bands looped across front and
rear wing retention dowels. Square wing to
63. Check and adjust square of horizontal
stabilizer relative to wing until identical
measurements can be obtained from identical
reference points at wing trailing edge and
outside point of hinge line at stabilizer on both
right and left sides of model. When in doubt,
stand back from model and trust your eye it’s
far more accurate than you give it credit. With
stabilizer squared to wing and fuselage, retain
Build Instructions
© 2010 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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