Locate parts A1, A2, A2a (1/32” ply), A3, A4, A5, A6, and A7. Using these photos and the plan sheet as a
guide – dry fit these parts together to create the aileron trailing edge and rib assembly. Using the plan sheet as
a guide – tack glue these parts into position. Note that A2a (1/32” ply) is sandwiched between parts A2 (balsa)
an the trailing edge is stepped to accept each component.
Locate parts A8, A9, and A1a. Key A8 and A9 together perpendicular to each other – tack glue, then fit to the
aileron assembly to form leading edge. Finish aileron assembly by installing A1a to the inside of A1 as
illustrated in the photos below. Wick thin CA into all surface joints and allow to dry.
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