Sterling Power Products
Force Options
Regen timer adjustment: default 240 seconds
If you wish to adjust the length of time that the BB stays
charging for when the input voltage drops between 12.0V-
13.2V then you can change that here. Use the second
column of LEDs and the orange numbers on that column
that shows the time in seconds. You can enter this menu
by pressing down SETUP button for 30 flashes. The
second column of LEDs shall flash. Use the SETUP and
SELECT buttons to toggle up and down through the
relevant numbers in orange. When you have selected the
appropriate number press both buttons to confirm.
Silence Buzzer
If the buzzer is sounding and you wish to silence it, simply press SETUP button with a quick but firm press. This
should silence the buzzer. It is a short term feature. If you wish to turn the buzzer off forever, please press the SETUP
button down for 40 flashes.
to view the status of the charger - do a quick press.
to view the BB as a voltmeter - do a quick press.
Software version
If you are interested in the software version of your BB, press and hold the SETUP button down for 5 flashes. The
display is in binary format.
Battery type select
Please consult page 10 regarding changing battery type. Also, for custom battery type please consult page 14.
Force unit to output live charge voltage without output battery connected (i.e. as a power pack / live output ) -
(default off).
This mode shall allow the unit to operate without needing a voltage on the output terminal. Hold down the SETUP
button for 15 flashes and let go. A charge voltage shall now be applied to the output terminal - irrespective of whether
there is a battery there. Press SETUP for 15 flashes then let go.
Pure ignition feed mode (default off)
Pure ignition feed mode, if this mode is enabled the BB shall ONLY operate if there is an ignition feed. It shall NOT
activate based on voltage DC input at the Batt input terminal. Press SETUP for 20 flashes.
Change operational on/off voltages (13.2V on / 13.0V off default x2 for 24V)
If you wish to change the BB’s activation voltages then you can do it here. The default is 13.2V on (x2 for 24V etc) and off
is 13.0V (x2 for 24V etc). Press the SETUP button down for 25 flashes. Then the second column of LEDs shall flash. The
voltages on this column then become the reference to activation voltages. The first option to select is ‘on’ activation
voltage. Default is 13.2V (hence that LED flashes) - use the SETUP / SELECT buttons to toggle up and down to column
to the desired activation voltage. Press and hold both buttons together to confirm voltage selection. Only the on voltage
needs to be selected, the off voltage is always 0.2V below. These settings shall last until a factory reset has happened.
Set auto regenerative braking timer (default 240 seconds).
If no ignition feed is being used on the BB then this timer is relevant with EURO 6+ installations. With Euro 6 engines the
alternator is often turned off during driving. This timer enables the BB to continue working even when the alternator is off.
Within this timer window the ECU on board should prompt the alternator to turn on again as the ECU is monitoring the
starter battery’s depletion. When the alternator turns on again the voltage should climb up and the regen. braking timer
restarts. The timer engages when the input voltage drops below the operational off voltage (default 13.0V, as above)
and reactivates above the on voltage (13.2V, as above).
ignition feed is applied to the unit this deactivates this braking
timer. When ignition feed is no longer in use this timer reactivates. Press SETUP for 25 flashes. The second column of
LEDs shall flash. Use the orange numbers as a reference with regards time in seconds. Use the SETUP / SELECT
buttons to toggle the LEDs up and down that column to select the time you wish to set as the regen. braking timer. For
EURO 6+ simply use ignition feed and do not worry about this feature.
Temperature voltage compensation (default on)
If you do not wish the BB to fluctuate output voltage based on temperature at the temperature sensor then this mode
needs to be set to off. Default mode means that the BB shall elevate the voltage by the rate of 18mV per Deg C below
20Deg C and reduce the voltage by 18mV per Deg C above 20Deg C. You may need to set this to off if: You have a lithium
battery and have set custom charge profile feature and you want to monitor the temperature at the battery because you
want a 0Deg C trip, for example. If you are in a lithium profile (I or II) this mode is off anyway.
Turn off buzzer (buzzer on as default)
If the buzzer alarm is coming on and it annoys you, you can turn it off!. Please press the SELECT button down for 40+
flashes. This shall disable the buzzer altogether, indefinitely. You can reapply the buzzer function by repeating this
Maintenance Mode (default off)
This mode locks the unit in voltmeter mode so you can fault find. The columns of LEDs stay on as voltmeters. This is
ideal if you do not have a voltmeter and you wish to provide information above what the input and output voltages are at
the BB itself. The unit shall remain in Maintenance Mode until you repeat the 45 flashes or do a factory reset.
Maintenance mode maintains charging function but the BB does not go into sleep and remains constantly live. The
charger shall not go to sleep and shall remain on (not necessarily charging). The BB shall charge if the input voltage /
ignition feed is as per normal operation. As the unit does not go to sleep the BB shall consume about 200mA at 12V
(2.5W). This is compared with 1mA at 12V (0.12W) when in sleep mode.
quick press
5 flashes
10 flashes
15 flashes
20 flashes
25 flashes
30 flashes
35 flashes
40 flashes
# flashes
Both buttons
8 - 35
Factory Reset
# flashes
only button
Silence Buzzer
Software version
Select battery type
Power supply mode
Pure ignition feed mode
Change operational on/off voltage
Set auto regen. braking timer
Temperature voltage compensation
Buzzer off (long term)
Maintenance Mode
If BB is in sleep mode, either buttons can be pressed to wake the BB up.
# flashes
only button
Silence Buzzer
Display temperature
Force to float
Night Mode
1/2 Power Mode
Turn unit off
Batt Maintainer on / off
OEM Lock
Solar Charger on*/off
BB Charger on*/off
BB + Solar mode on/off*
Guide to the buttons
For a more detailed description of these options please look at the next 2 pages
BBS solar only
Maintaince mode, this mode lock on the unit so it does not switch
off, and keeps the input and output volt meters in operation which
you work on the system for fault finding. if ther is a fault and the
output voltage leds only are on then its no longer a volt meter
display it is simply displaying a fault condition which needs to be
resolved, the unit is only displaying voltage if both rows off leds are
45 flashes
If BB is in sleep mode, either buttons can be pressed to wake the BB up.