Head Office
Himmelsbodavägen 7 · P.O.Box 120 · SE-147 22 TUMBA · SWEDEN
Phone: +46-8 449 99 00 · Fax: +46-8 449 99 90
[email protected] · www.steridose.com
Regional Office
5020 World Dairy Drive · Madison, WI 53718 · USA
Phone: +1-608 229 5225 · Fax: +1-608 227 9599
[email protected] · www.steridose.com
1. About the Welding Guide
The welding procedure described in this guide is used for welding flange in to vessels. The
guidelines refer only to the technical aspects of welding operations. Please note that all data with
regard to welding current, time etc are approximate and may vary in practice. References are made
to the Swedish code for pressure vessels, TKN 87. Ensure that the relevant standards for pressure
vessels are complied with the vessel.
Roplan ABs liability for possible faults are regulated by ECE 188. This implies that Roplan AB is
responsible for faults present in the product at the time of delivery.
Roplan AB is not responsible for faults that occur due to conditions that arise after delivery, for
example faulty handling, welding or fitting.
As a step in Roplan ABs quality assurance, each flange is inspected prior to delivery to ensure
conformance with regard to size and other requirements of the Roplan ABs drawings. A certificate
is enclosed with each delivery.
This procedure ensures that the probability of an original fault is very small. Faults that do occur can
normally be traced to incorrect handling, welding or fitting.
Roplan ABs experience is that the greatest risk of a fault occurring is deformation in connection
with welding the flange into the gable end of the vessel.
To minimise the risk of faults occurring after delivery from Roplan AB it is essential that this
welding guide is studied and that only properly trained and experienced personnel are employed in
the welding operations.
For other countries than Sweden, please make sure that the relevant standards for that country are
complied with.
The purpose of this manual is to avoid deformation of the Steriflange due to release of tension
forces in the gable.
This manual should only be regarded as an aid in the welding work and not override the legal