Figure 4
The most common wiring alternatives for
Steridose-supplied electric motors.
2. Lock the drive unit by tightening the locking
3.4.2. Dismounting the drive unit
Dismount the drive unit by following the mounting in-
structions in reverse order.
3.5. Connection to main power
Electrical connections must be made by
certified electricians in compliance with all interna-
tional, national, state and local regulations.
Never use the Sterimixer/Sanimixer (drive
unit) without a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD).
If a control box is used, the drive unit is con-
nected to the control box, which in turn is connected to
the external power supply.
An electrical drawing/wiring diagram is supplied with
the motor (drive unit) and control box upon delivery when
applicable. Technical information for the motor (drive
unit) and the control box is found within the documen-
tation enclosed with the equipment. The most common
wiring alternatives for Steridose-supplied electric motors
are summarized in figure 4.
3.6. Installation check and calibration
3.6.1. Verifying the impeller direction of rotation
1. Submerge the impeller completely in water to ensure
there is a film of liquid between the male bearing unit
and the impeller’s female bushing.
2. Set the speed potentiometer/regulator to zero.
3. For DC-drive applications - Start the Sterim-
ixer/Sanimixer and carefully increase to a low speed
(max 50 rpm).
Figure 5
General arrangement of tank, control box for
start up
4. For
ixer/Sanimixer starts at low speed.
5. Visually check the direction of rotation for the im-
peller, which should be
when seen from
above. If the Sterimixer/Sanimixer rotates counter
clockwise, refer to section 6.
6. Stop the Sterimixer/Sanimixer immediately after
completed verification.
Dry operation of the Sterimixer/Sanimixer
will damage the bearings.
3.6.2. Calibration of the Sterimixer/Sanimixer
The most important parameters in maintaining proper
operation and thereby a long operational life for the Ster-
imixer/Sanimixer are pre-set on delivery (applies only to
Steridose-supplied control boxes). The pre-set parameters
include acceleration time (ramp-up), deceleration time
(ramp-down), maximum speed, and minimum speed.
Acceleration time and maximum speed will depend
heavily on the application. Ensure that the minimum and
maximum speed parameters can cover the entire range of
operation for the unit during process and cleaning. De-
pending on the impeller design, required speed during
cleaning may be considerably lower than process, or vice-
versa (see also section 4.5).
The maximum speed shall not exceed the specified
maximum speed specified for each Sterimixer/Sanimixer
size. The minimum speed shall not be lower than the
minimum speed specified for each model, refer to table 4.
For verification of the speed of the Sterim-
use the impeller monitor sensor
(IMS) or a hand tachometer.
The maximum speed of the Sterimixer/Sanimixer is
achieved at frequencies above the nominal frequency
(50/60Hz) of the motor. The frequency at maximum speed
is usually in the interval from 80Hz to 100Hz.
© Steridose