WPS Status: You can enable or disable WPS capability here.
AP PIN Code: This is the PIN code currently used by the router.
Generated PIN: You can press this button to generate a new PIN code
for the router.
Wireless Host PIN Code: If going with the PIN of wireless device
connecting, enter here and click the connect button.
WPS PBC Settings: This is effectively an internal WPS button.
WPS Configuration: Displays encryption information
If the connecting wireless device is also WPS enabled, you can use the
following methods to connect.
Method 1: Button
Push and hold WPS button on back of Router until WPS LED flashes.
Push WPS button on wireless network adapter and hold for about 3-5
A safe connection will be established automatically in a moment.
The reverse – pushing and holding WPS button on adapter briefly, then
pushing and holding WPS button on router briefly – may also be utilized.
Method 2: PIN
Select this router for connection in your OS network connections or
wireless adapter software settings.
Choose to enter the WPS PIN of the router and provide default router
WPS PIN printed on label on bottom of router. This PIN may be changed
though, and you may do so/confirm current PIN in the router’s user interface
– click ‘Wireless Management’- ‘AP Setup’ - ‘WPS’ and you will be able to
see the AP PIN as well as generate a new one and save it.
Alternatively, you may choose to utilize a WPS PIN provided by your
wireless adapter and enter it in the router in the same part of the user
interface - click ‘Wireless Management’- ‘WPS’ and enter adapter PIN for
‘Wireless Host PIN Code’.