Application and function description
Application and function description
Function description
This IC can analyze the DCF77 signal, which is received by a receiver and demodulated. Thereceived time and date can output directly to a 7-segment
The DCF77 signal is a low frequency radio signal which transferred the time and date. It will besent in Frankfurt am Main, derived of the local atomic
clock and sent with the carrier frequencyof 77.5 kHz. Therefore, these watches are also known as radio clock.
The input for the DCF77 antenna can now automatically detect whether a pullup resistor isrequired and whether the input has to be inverted.
Even a simple alarm function is implemented.
This IC has the new
OnChip FullMultiPlex Display technology
. With this technology also small very weak displays can work and the displays are
generally brighter.
This IC also has an adjustable brightness control for the display, thereby the display is easy toread during the day and at night it does not light out
the entire room.
With this IC the
will be displayed alternately with the time and or date.
This IC has a bootloader, which allows you to update the IC firmware.This means that you will always remain at the current state of the Firmware for
the IC, without further costs.
StefPro - www.stefpro.biz - [email protected] - SPDv2133.01
Application and function description - Function description
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