defined value that identifies the controlled machine on the network. The
official DNS name of the controlled machine is a obvious value to put
here, but you may use it for any purpose.
A user-defined description for the controlled machine.
This menu allows you to configure a number of settings, including
changing the default password for admin (recommended). Read
and consider the comments and instructions on this menu before
making any changes, as changing these features could make the unit
inaccessible through Web configuration (i.e. due to firewall filtering).
Note that any password changes you make will have to be entered in
duplicate to prevent the chance for error.
The Compatibility menu offers features that may offer enhanced
functionality with certain KVM and power products, such as StarTech.
com’s Remote Power Switch (PCM8155HNA). These can be left at
their default values if you are not connecting the unit to a KVM or
power management device.
The SNMP menu allows you to configure the SV1115IPEXT so it can
be recognized and managed using industry-standard Simple Network
Management Protocol software.
The RADIUS server requires the IP address, the UDP port number
(1812 - default or 1645) and the shared secret. The shared secret
is used to encrypt communications and corresponds to a shared
password for the RADIUS server and the client machine. Two additional
servers may be defined for backup purposes. Each server will be tried
in order, using the indicated number of retries and timeout period,
which are configurable on the same page.