SF-HC25C3 Height Controller
You are strictly been prohibited under the conditions of electricity installation or
plug or unplug.
Installation position should as far as possible away from heat source.
Controller enclosure must be good grounding, or influence the controller in work.
The be cutting steel plate must be in good grounding and keep good connection
with controller shell, to ensure the accuracy of the height control.
Please careful carry away, and please do not intense collision, vibration, in order
to avoid damage to the product.
Please don not do something without authorization to open cutting torch height
controller or change its internal structure, to prevent the accident or failure.
Note: the controller casing and cut steel without good grounding, height control
will not be able to work properly.
Without the explicit written permission to use any of this information may not be
copied, reproduced or content, the offenders will be fully liable to damage.
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