StarCamp dealer can supply spare poles.
Care of awning
Awning fabrics can be weakened by prolonged exposure to sunlight.
Under normal holiday use your awning will give long service but used
for extended periods in strong sunlight will soon cause deterioration.
UV degradation is not covered under the awnings warranty. The
warranty does not cover awnings for permanent site use.
Awnings are best stored opened out. Air fully and ensure it is totally dry
before packing away. Store in a well ventilated dry place. A wet/damp
awning will develop mildew surprisingly quickly.
Dirty awnings can be washed using clean water and a soft brush. Do not
scrub and never use detergent.
Poles should be protected from damage and should be stored completely
dry to prevent corrosion. Damage due to improper use, wind damage or
neglect is not covered under the warranty.
Look after your awning and it will look after you. Have any damage
repaired at the first opportunity. You can purchase replacement poles
from your StarCamp dealer. Zips should be treated with care, use two
hands to close and open and do not tread on them. Never force a zip. We
strongly recommend that you carry a comprehensive spares kit including
silicone waterproof spray, seam sealer and spare guy ropes and pegs for
extreme weather.
If you have any queries relating to your awning, or its warranty, then
please contact the supplying dealer.