WAN Connection
On the other side of the Lynx L-320 is where your Wide Area Network (WAN)
connection; also referred to as a broadband connection. This WAN connection
is different for every WAN supplier. Most of the configuration you will
perform will be in this area. Local Area Network Connection(s).
New Connection
A new connection is basically a virtual connection. Your Lynx L-320 can
support up to 8 different (unique) virtual connections. If you have multiple
different virtual connections, you may need to utilize the static and dynamic
routing capabilities of the modem to pass data correctly.
Figure 1-12: New Connection (PPPOE Connection Setup)
ADSL Modulation
To configure the DSL modulation type, Click setup. Under WAN Setup, select
Modem Setup. This will bring up the modem setup screen. Leave the default
value if you are unsure or the DSL/ISP did not provide this information. For
most all cases, this screen should not be modified.