Prentive Maintenance - Treadmills
Doc: 635-4075 Rev: A
Ref Nr: 5 (Applies to All Treadmill Models)
Start Treadmill, set at 3.0 MPH (5.0 km/h)
If belt tracks more to the left side
Turn right tension screw
counterclockwise a ¼ turn
If belt still tracks to the left side, turn
left tension screw clockwise ¼ turn
If belt tracks more to the right side
Turn right tension screw
clockwise a ¼ turn
If belt still tracks to the right side,
turn left tension screw
counterclockwise ¼ turn
Repeat until the running belt tracks in the center.
After belt is tracking correctly, increase speed to 8.0 MPH (12.0 km/h) for 2 to 3 minutes to ensure
belt stays centered