Page 35
While in Maintenance Mode, the following information can be accessed and/or modified:
SW versions
- The latest software version loaded in the system. The abbreviation of the versions are as follows:
G = GUI (Graphical User Interface) Software version
CV = Cardio Vascular Software version
FT = FIT CPU Software version
CCB = CCB (Center Control Board) Software version
xCB = Translator Board Software version on Treadmills; LCB Software version on Bikes/TBT/Stepper
Serial Number
- The last five digits of the display serial number.
- The product type (treadmill, bike, etc.).
- The units of measurement (English or Metric).
- The language that the messages are displayed in.
Max Time
- The maximum time allowed for a single workout.
- The default user weight used for Quick Start programs.
Oper Hours
- The cumulative amount of usage hours.
Dist Logged
- The cumulative distance logged.
METs Display
- Allows the manager/owner to select the METs Availability (ON or OFF).
Pause Time
- Allows the manager/owner to select the length of the pause (30, 45, 60, 90, or 120 seconds).
Auto Fan
- Allows the manager/owner to select the Auto Fans Functionality (ON or OFF).
Lock Out
- Allows the manager/owner to select the Lock Out Function (ON or OFF).
Lock Out ID
- Allows manager/owner to set a password for the Lock Out feature.
Max Speed
- English (From 5.0 to 15.0) or Metric (From 5.0 to 24.1).
Accel Time
- Allows the manager/owner to set the Acceleration Time of treadmill (From 25 to 60 seconds).
Decel Time
- Allows the manager/owner to set the Deceleration Time of treadmill (From 20 to 60 seconds).
Club ID
- Allows the manager/owner to set a Club ID.