5. Unit turns on, everything works but water heater does not work.
- Check electronic control on the front of unit. Verify that the humidity setting is set for a value of
10 to check control.
- Be sure water tank is
lled with water and the water
ll light is off.
- With the unit operating for several minutes the water in the
ll should be getting warm. If not then
troubleshoot the water heating element following the same steps in 4a. and 4b. on the previous
page, except on the water heater relay, sensor and heating element.
6. Unit turns on, everything works, but the low water light is on. When the low water light
is on and blinking there will be no voltage to the relay or water heating element.
- Check and make sure unit is full of water. If yes, then shut off the power switch and disconnect
power cord. Remove top and check the water sensor board (3 connections on water tank). Remove
sensor board and verify the 2 sensor rods are attached to the underside of board. The long rod
should be attached to the terminal connector marked "L" for low water indicator. The short rod to
the "H" terminal for high water. The green ground wire must be attached to the "G" connection.
Using a
ne sandpaper, sand both sensing rods to remove any corrosive buildup. Re-attach the
sensor assembly securely using the screws removed. Be sure wires are attached and routed back
correctly to the marked control board terminals. Re-attach the top and energize unit. Low water
light should be off. If not, then control board is not functioning properly and should be replaced.