In/Out Pattern
(Programmed for opposite Phases)
Back & Forth Pattern
(Programmed for same Phase)
Split Mode
Light 1
Light 2
Light 1
Light 2
Simultaneous Pattern
(Programmed for same Phase)
Alternating Pattern
(Programmed for opposite Phases)
Light 2
Light 1
Light 1
Light 2
Single Mode
A. Split/Single Mode Programming
You will need to determine whether you wish to
run your light(s) in Split Mode or in Single Mode.
Single Mode
, the two halves of
the light will flash together
(simultaneous). This will give the
appearance of a "single" light,
rather than two halves.
Split Mode
, the two halves of
the light will flash opposite one
another (alternate).
Split/Single Mode Programming Summary
- Ground
- Power
- Power
- To program hold to Ground
Release Green After:
Single Blink (at 3 sec)
Single Mode
Double Blink (at 6 sec)
Split Mode
3. After the light blinks once at 3 seconds, then twice at 6 seconds, release the Green wire,
wait one second, and disconnect the white wire from power. The light should be in Split
To change from Split Mode to Single Mode, repeat steps 1 and 2, but instead release the
green wire from Ground right after half of the light blinks once at 3 seconds. This will place
the light back into Single Mode.
Please note that if you programmed your light as
described above, you MUST program the function of the
Non-Turn Signal head as described on the next page.
By default, the light comes preset for Single Mode. If Single mode is acceptable, please
skip to the
B. Programming the Function of the Light Opposite the Turn Signal
For Split Mode, proceed below:
1. Connect Black, Red, & White wires as listed to the below. Half of the light will illuminate
into a steady burn and the other half of the light will flash every three (3) seconds.
2. Touch and hold the Green wire to Ground.