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Mobile Phones

Some mobile phone leads do not allow charging from a standard USB port. 

Check with the mobile phone manufacturer before using the phone with this 


Rechargeable Devices

If there is any sign that your appliance is behaving differently when plugged 

into this charger than it does when connected to the usual power source, 

unplug the appliance and seek advice from the appliance manufacturer.


the power source must provide 12 VDC and must be able to supply the 

necessary current to operate the load.


• the charger must be connected only to batteries with a nominal output 

voltage of 12 Volts. the appliance will not operate from a 6 Volt battery and 

will sustain permanent damage if connected to a 24 Volt battery.

• Always connect the charger to the 12 volt DC power source before plugging 

any devices into the unit.

• Do not attach a USB hub to this unit to allow additional items to be added.

to prevent damage, the unit will shut down if it is overloaded. to restart the 

unit you must remove it from the power source, wait for a few seconds and 

then re-insert the unit into the power source.

• Do not use with positive ground electrical systems.* 

*The majority of modern automobiles, RVs and trucks are negative ground.

• Reverse polarity connection will result in a blown fuse and may cause 

permanent damage to the unit and will void warranty.

• Do Not oPEN tHIS UNIt — there are no user-serviceable parts inside. 

opening the unit will void manufacturer’s warranty.

• Do not use this unit with medical devices. It is not tested for medical 


• Do not use this unit on a watercraft. It is not qualified for marine 


• Check the unit periodically for wear and tear. Return to manufacturer for 

replacement of worn or defective parts immediately.

• Install and operate only as described in this Instruction Manual.


Read And Understand This Instruction Manual Before Using This 




Congratulations on purchasing your new 

Stanley USB Personal Electronics 


Read this Instruction Manual and follow the instructions 

carefully before using this unit.


Your USB charger is designed to convert 12 Vdc to 5 Vdc. It allows the 12 Vdc in 

an automobile to supply 5 Vdc power to operate equipment that is normally 

supplied from a USB power source. the charging cable specifically designed for 

the electronic device being charged is required. May not work for all electronic 

devices. this product is intended for consumer use only.

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5/14/2013   4:18:52 PM

Summary of Contents for PIUSB2S

Page 1: ...RAS CONSULTAS 2013 Baccus Global LLC Boca Raton FL 33432 Customer Service 877 571 2391 12Volt 10WATTUSB PERSONALELECTRONICSCHARGER INstructionManual CARGADORPARAPRODUCTOS ELECTRÓNICOSPERSONAL USBDE12Voltios 10VATIOS manualdeinstrucción PIUSB2S_ManualENSP_040813 indd 24 1 5 14 2013 4 18 52 PM ...

Page 2: ...ON Usedwithoutthesafetyalertsymbolindicatespotentially hazardoussituationwhich ifnotavoided mayresultinpropertydamage RISKOFUNSAFEOPERATION Whenusingtoolsorequipment basicsafety precautionsshouldalwaysbefollowedtoreducetheriskofpersonalinjury Improperoperation maintenanceormodificationoftoolsorequipmentcould resultinseriousinjuryandpropertydamage Therearecertainapplicationsfor whichtoolsandequipme...

Page 3: ...owersourcewhennotinuse Makesurethenominalpoweringvoltageis12voltsDCwhenusingthe PersonalElectronicsCharger forwhichitwasdesigned Readandunderstandallwarningsandoperating instructionsbeforeusinganytoolorequipment Important Safety INSTRUCTIONS Avoiddangerousenvironments Don tusethisunitindamporwet locations Keepchildrenaway Keepawayfromchildren Thisisnotatoy Storeindoors Whennotinuse thisunitshouldb...

Page 4: ...thpositivegroundelectricalsystems Themajorityofmodernautomobiles RVsandtrucksarenegativeground Reversepolarityconnectionwillresultinablownfuseandmaycause permanentdamagetotheunitandwillvoidwarranty Do not openthis unit therearenouser serviceablepartsinside Openingtheunitwillvoidmanufacturer swarranty Donotusethisunitwithmedicaldevices Itisnottestedformedical applications Donotusethisunitonawatercr...

Page 5: ...is0 40 C 32 104 F 2 StoreandusethePIUSB2Sinacool dryplacewithadequateventilation forall aroundaircirculation operating instructions Thetipoftheplugispositive andthesidecontactisnegative 1 Connecttheunittoavehicle saccessoryoutletorother12voltDCpower source Makesurethereisadequatespaceforproperventilationofthe charger 2 Rotatetheunitslightlytomakesurethereisgoodcontact 3 ThePower FaultLEDIndicatorw...

Page 6: ...returns thatarebeyondthetimesetforexchanges Thiswarrantydoesnotapplytoaccessories bulbs fusesandbatteries defects resultingfromnormalwearandtear accidents damagessustainedduring 3 Avoidlocationsthatareexposedtoheatingunits radiators direct sunlight orexcessivehumidityordampness Troubleshooting Common Problems Power FaultLEDIndicatorisnotlit CheckthatalltheDCconnectionsareconnectedcorrectly Checkth...

Page 7: ...s siempresedebenrespetarlasprecaucionesdeseguridadpara reducirelriesgodelesionespersonales Laoperación elmantenimientoola modificaciónincorrectosdeherramientasoequipospuedenprovocarlesiones gravesydañosalapropiedad Lasherramientasylosequiposestándiseñados shipping alterations unauthorizeduseorrepair neglect misuse abuse and failuretofollowinstructionsforcareandmaintenancefortheproduct Thiswarranty...

Page 8: ...nhaceralvehículoelfusibleaccesoriodel enchufeabrirse Informaciónsobrelascalificacionesdefusiblesdelvehículo accesoriosseencuentrannormalmenteenelmanualdeloperadordel vehículo paradeterminadosusos FabricanterecomiendaencarecidamentequeNOse modifiqueesteproductoyqueNOseutiliceparaningúnotrousoqueaquél paraelquefuediseñado Leaycomprendatodaslasinstruccionesoperativasy lasadvertenciasantesdeutilizarcu...

Page 9: ...icación Cercióresedequeelenchufede12voltiosestálibredelaruinayel delenchufeaccesoriodelvehículocabefirmementeenelenchufe PRECAUCIÓN PARAREDUCIRELRIESGODELESIONESODAÑOALA PROPIEDAD Nointenteconectaroconfigurarestaunidadosuscomponentesmientras manejasuvehículo Elhechodenoprestaratenciónalacarreterapuede tenercomoconsecuenciaunaccidentegrave Siempreutiliceestaunidadenlugaresadecuadamenteventilados Dé...

Page 10: ...nte de energía Lafuentedeenergíadebeproporcionar12voltiosCCydebesercapazde suministrarlacorrientenecesariaparaoperarlacarga PRECAUCIÓN PARAREDUCIRELRIESGODEDAÑOALAPROPIEDAD Elcargadordebeconectarsesolamenteabateríasconunvoltajedesalida nominalde12voltios Elartefactonofuncionarádesdeunabateríade6 voltiosysufrirádañospermanentessiseconectaaunabateríade24voltios Siempreconecteelcargadoralafuentedeene...

Page 11: ...adyquelacarganoseasuperiora10vatios paraunfuncionamientocontinuo Sugerencias de operación Elcargadorsólodebeoperarseenlugares SECOS Nopermitaqueelaguauotroslíquidosentrenencontactoconel cargador FRESCOS Latemperaturaambientedebeestarentre10y20 C 50y68 F Mantengaelcargadorlejosdelaluzsolardirectasiemprequeseaposible BIENVENTILADOS Mantengaeláreaquerodeaelcargadorlimpiapara garantizarlalibrecirculac...

Page 12: ...avorpóngase encontactoconelfabricanteal 877 571 2391 ADVERTENCIA Elusodecualquieraccesorionorecomendadoparaeluso conestaunidadpodíaserpeligroso INFORMACIÓN DE SERVICIO Siustednecesitaasesoramientotécnico reparación opartesgenuinasdel fabricante póngaseencontactoconelfabricanteen 877 571 2391 Un año de garantía limitada Elfabricantegarantizaesteproductocontradefectosdematerialesymano deobraduranteu...
