Horizon GPS Chart400 User Manual
Warning: It is important to note that if the autopilot is active and
the you answer Yes to the ‘Return to MOB?’ prompt the autopilot
will cause the vessel to turn in the opposite direction, back toward
the MOB location. This may result in a very sudden and dangerous
change in direction.
1.2 Man Over Board (MOB) Function
The MOB feature allows the boat position to immediately be saved as a waypoint, named MOB,
and after confirmation will start navigating to it. The following sequence activates this function:
Momentarily press the keys labeled MOB (two left most softkeys). The current boat position
is stored as a waypoint with the name MOB.
The display mode is automatically changed to the Underway screen, with a scale of 0.1
miles, North up, with the MOB waypoint situated in the center of the screen.
The GPS Chart400 beeps five times to indicate that the MOB function has been initiated.
4. The user is prompted with a message asking if an autopilot is active. ie. controlled by the
GPS Chart400. This provides an opportunity for you to disengage the autopilot, if required,
before going to the MOB waypoint.
1.3 Commonly Used Terms
Positions such as fishing spots, favorite anchorages, dive locations and
trip destinations can be saved in the GPS Chart400 memory. These are
referred to as waypoints. Up to 500 waypoints can be stored in memory.
The GPS Chart400 will automatically allocate a name to a waypoint or
the user can specify a name. Waypoints are saved by ‘clicking’ on the
actual position displayed on the chart or by entering the latitude and
Marks are also positions saved in memory. They are a simplified form of
waypoint. Marks are displayed on the chart as a symbol and do not have
a name. The latitude and longitude of a mark can not be displayed or
edited. Marks can not be used in a route. However, marks can be used
as a destination for the GoTo function. Marks can also be converted to
full waypoints. See Section 3.23, Waypoint Screen, Waypoints.
Two or more waypoints can be linked in sequence to form a route. The
route has a start and end waypoint and can be traversed from start to
finish or in reverse. Up to 25 routes can be stored in memory.
Legs are the division of a route between waypoints. A route consisting of
four waypoints will have three legs.
You can navigate from your current position to any point on the display,
by pressing the GoTo key. The destination can be a waypoint, mark or
simply the cursor position. To activate the GoTo function move the cursor
to the required destination and press the GoTo key displayed in the
Underway screen.
1.4 Display Contrast and Backlighting
Display contrast and backlighting are controlled from the General Setup menu available from the Aux