Commissioning and testing
Commissioning and testing
Commissioning and testing may only be performed by a qualified person following
the "Servicing instructions of the original operating instructions".
Commissioning and periodic tests
The person commissioning must have all necessary information on system and device.
Testing must comprise the correct interaction of the device with the hoist control, the
safe status and position in relation to statutory standard operating procedures and safety
regulations relating specifically to the equipment (directives, product standards, regula-
tions / information from the Employers' Liability Insurance Associations.)
The test results must be recorded in writing in a report signed by the person performing
the tests. The report must be filed where the machine or system is situated.
The following types of test are distinguished:
Tests before first commissioning and after alterations (acceptance tests)
A test must be performed before the first commissioning of the SLE22 and after
alterations to the SLE or to components or units affecting the safety function.
Regarded as alterations are all alterations to wiring, control, configuration, para-
meterization of the SLE and related components or units affecting the safety
function. The test must determine that the requirements for hoists are met when
using the SLE22 and that correct functioning of the components or units affecting
the safety function in interaction with the SLE22 is ensured. In addition, the type
of use / mounting of the SLE22 and the braking path of the system are to be
Acceptance test: overload cut-off:
Lifting a test load of 110% maximum working load. The device must detect the
overload at the latest when the load has been lifted completely off the ground,
and disconnect the hoist motion. In accordance with DIN EN 14492-2: 2010-05
an overload must not be lifted over a distance of more than the maximum rated
hoisting speed multiplied by 1s.
Periodic tests
Periodic tests serve to detect systematically and eliminate safety-related faults
(e.g. due to alterations or manipulations) on the system's protective equipment
occurring after commissioning. To comply with §3 clause 3 of the Ordinance on
Safety in Operation, type, extent and time limits must be ascertained and laid
down by the user in relation to the specific equipment. An inspection interval of at
least once a year has proved appropriate. Shorter test intervals may be neces-
sary for multi-shift operation, heavy duty, adverse ambient conditions or to comp-
ly with national regulations.
This test comprises inter alia testing the overload cut-off point with a test load of
110% maximum working load, a safety check of the correct functioning of the
SLE22 and the interaction of the SLE22 with components or units relating to the
safety function. In addition it includes checking that the limit value given for over-
run is not exceeded.