To avoid “dead zones” in which no or barely noticeable changes in
brightness takes place, a separate lower and upper start value /
limit value (offset) can be set on the DDA4-1000 for each channel.
These offsets are set on the rotary code switches, each
independently for the lower and upper limits.
DIP-switch S4.2 = channel 1 to S4.5 = channel 4 selects to which
channels of the DDA4-1000 the offset will be programmed. (ON-
position). Immediately when setting an offset value all selected
outputs showing the adjustment for a direct view.
Each store process of an offset value causes a new calculation/
actualizing of the internal curves, too.
Lower Offset (start value)
The lower offset sets the lamp brightness for the DMX512 value
1digit (0,4%).
The 8 at the left rotary code switch activates this mode and the
other two switches are for the offset value. This value is given to all
selected outputs.
Set DIP-switch S4.8 to ON-position to enable programming and
switch back to OFF position when finished all programmings.
Storing the values starts with pushing the Store-Button left from the
rotary code switches and is signalized when the DMX IN and the
System LED goes off for a moment.
Upper Offset (limit value)
The upper offset sets the lamp brightness for the DMX512 value
255 digit (100%).
The 7 at the left rotary code switch activates this mode and the
other two switches are for the offset value. This value is given to all
selected outputs.
Set DIP-switch S4.8 to ON-position to enable programming and
switch back to OFF position when finished all programmings.