Tip Over Hazard
A child or adult can tip the safe and be
killed or seriously injured.
Failure to secure the safe as shown in
these instructions can result in death or
serious injury to children and adults.
Children should not play with or around
the safe at any time.
Serial #
Your Electronic Safe Combination #
NOTE: You can store your Key #, Serial # and
Combination on Stack-On’s SECURE web site –
www.stack-on.com under Customer Service.
Storing your Key # or Combination will provide instant
access to this important information should you ever
lose your keys or your combination.
Only you will have access to this information.
Tools required:
7/16” drill bit
3/8” drill bit
3/32" drill bit
17mm socket wrench
Phillips screwdriver.
Screw the 3 handle spokes into the hub and hand
tighten. These spokes are located in the front foam
NOTE: Do not use this handle to move the safe.
• Record the serial number from the tag on the
back of the safe or from the tag on the front
bottom corner of the safe.
• Keep keys and combination in a secure place
away from children.
• Do not store the back up key, your combination
or this document in the safe.
• Do not move this safe using its handle. The
handle should only be used for opening and
closing the door of the safe.
• Do not store electronic media, computer disks,
audio-visual media or photographic negatives in
this safe. This material will not survive the rated
internal temperature of the safe. This material
may be damaged or destroyed.
• Warning: Keep your safe closed and locked at
all times when not in use. Children could
accidentally be locked inside the safe.
Hardware Included:
(2) M10x70 Lag screws
(2) washers
(2) plastic anchors
For model E-8-MB-E-S:
(4) 1/2" screws
For model E-13-MB-E-S:
(6) 1/2" screws
(2) 3/8" screws