Your CB radio set does not transmit at all or transmission power is poor:
With the push-to-talk button activated, TX should be lit and your radio set should start transmission.
By releasing the button once again, the indicator should go out and your radio set should again
switch over to reception mode.
Check the standing wave ratio of your antenna as well as the cable with regard to possible
interruptions or loose contacts!
Your radio set does not receive any response to your transmission or reception is poor:
Correctly adjust the
Adjust the
control to an appropriate playback volume.
Check the standing wave ratio of your antenna as well as the cable with regard to possible
interruptions or loose contacts!
Make sure that you are using the same modulation mode (AM or FM) as your contact partner!
The displays do not light up:
Check whether your power supply unit is switched on.
Check the connections for proper wiring: plus pole (= RED) and negative pole (= BLACK)! Exchange
the connections if they are mixed up.
Tips on radio communication
After switching on the radio set, always listen first whether the set channel is free (To do so,
deactivate the squelch function such that you are also able to hear weaker radio stations.)! Start
your own call only if the channel is absolutely free.
Transmit nothing but short calls! After each call carefully listen to a station possibly answering
your call. Repeat your call only after having carefully listened.
After each transmission of your contact partner wait for several seconds before answering in
order to give further radio stations the chance to participate in the radio communication (change-
over delay).
International phonetic alphabet
When the radio contact is weak or intense interferences occur, it is quite often difficult to understand
everything perfectly, as e.g. proper names or geographical names.
In this case, you can fall back on the international alphabet which is also applied in air traffic
(ICAO) and NATO communications:
Evaluating the reception quality
For informing the respective contact partner clearly on the strength and quality of reception, the
numbers of the R/S code are used. The R-value is used for comprehensibility (readability) and
the S-value (signal strength) for signal strength and/or volume of the contact partner.
R = readability
1 not readable, incomprehensible
2 temporarily or partially readable
3 difficult to read
4 readable, comprehensible
5 easy to read
A Alpha
B Bravo
C Charlie
D Delta
E Echo
F Foxtrott
G Golf
H Hotel
I India
J Juliett
K Kilo
L Lima
M Mike
N November
O Oscar
Q Quebec
R Romeo
S Sierra
T Tango
U Uniform
V Victor
W Whiskey
X X-ray
Y Yankee
Z Zulu
S = signal strength
The S-value (= signal strength) can be read
on the S-meter.
Summary of Contents for xm 4060e
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