1. Short Cycle between backwashes:
Time between backwashes will vary with each installation and
between different areas of the country. Ask installer about normal back-
wash interval in your area. The following causes and remedies are for
cycle times shorter than normal for your area.
A. Flow rate too high or filter too small; consult dealer for system sizing
B. Water is chemically out of balance; consult pool serviceman.
2. Low Flow/High Pressure:
A. Pipe blocked downstream from filter; remove obstruction.
B. Piping too small; use larger pipe (consult dealer for sizing).
C. Filter area too small or pump too large; consult dealer for recommen-
3. Low Flow/Low Pressure:
A. Pump too small; consult dealer for recommendations.
B. Plugged pump, plugged line, or plugged hair and lint trap; clean thor-
4. Pool Water Not Clear:
A. Water is chemically out of balance; consult pool professional.
B. Inadequate turnover rate; consult dealer about equipment sizing.
C. Sand in pool means broken lateral.
To avoid severe injury or major property damage, follow in-
structions under 'Disassembly' and 'Assembly' (pages 6 and 7)!
1. Follow filter disassembly procedure, Page 6.
2. Replace lateral according to instructions supplied with new lateral
(See Page 9).
3. Reassemble filter according to instructions, Pages 6 and 7.
Hazardous pressure.
Can cause severe in-
jury or major property
damage from tank
blow up.
Release all pressure
and read instructions
before working on filter.