Hardware and layout
Doc ID 023645 Rev 1
STM8AF board LEDs
The STM8AF board includes the following LEDs:
LD1 COM: LD1 default status is red. LD1 turns to green to indicate that
communications are in progress between the PC and the ST-LINK/V2.
LD2 PWR: red LED indicates that the board is powered and that 5 V is output from
L99PM62GXP power management IC.
User LD3: red LED is a user LED connected to the I/O PA3 of the STM8AF5288T.
User LD4: green LED is a user LED connected to the I/O PD3 of the STM8AF5288T.
User LD5: green LED is a user LED connected to the I/O PD0 of the STM8AF5288T.
User LD6: green LED is a user LED connected to the I/O PE3 of the STM8AF5288T.
User LD7: green LED is a user LED connected to the I/O PC3 of the STM8AF5288T.
STM8AF board Push buttons
STM8AF board includes two push buttons:
USER1: User button connected to the I/O PE2 of STM8AF5288T.
USER2: User button connected to the I/O PE1 of STM8AF5288T.