Hardware and layout
Doc ID 023645 Rev 1
4.1.2 Debugging
The STM8A-DISCOVERY is composed by a STM8AF board connected to a STM8AL board.
A PC can be connected to the STM8AF or STM8AL board side while
programming/debugging the STM8AF5288T or the STM8AL3L68T.
Example 1: Debugging the STM8AF microcontroller when the STM8AL board or an
external application board is connected.
Figure 3.
Debugging the STM8AF microcontroller when the STM8AL board or an
external application board is connected
Example 2: Debugging the STM8AL microcontroller when the STM8AF board or an
external application board is connected.
Figure 4.
Debugging the STM8AL microcontroller when the STM8AF board or an
external application board is connected
All other configuration are not supported and could damage the boards or the PC.