Greenfield Installation and Operations Stove
Page 42
Judge the frequency of cleaning by checking the amount of ash that accumulates in the
elbows or tee’s of the exhaust system. Ask the dealer for suggested frequency of cleaning,
equipment needed and procedures for cleaning. Check the Exhaust system at least once every
two months during the heating season.
See Page 25 “Preventing Chimney Fires”
Periodically inspect the condition of the Rope Gasket around the door, window and
ash door. Replace as needed.
Yearly Maintenance
Many dealers offer a Service Contract that will cover Yearly Maintenance. Contact your St.
Croix Dealer for assistance in maintaining your Greenfield in top condition. Yearly Maintenance
is designed to assure Safe Operation, prolong the life of the Greenfield and help preserve its
aesthetic appeal.
. Open the Left and Right side panels of your Greenfield to
gain access to components in the back of the stove. Carefully clean or vacuum any dust, cobwebs
and household dust. Carefully vacuum around the fan motors. If electrical wires become
disconnected call your dealer for service.
Figure 29