MGW/920 Smart Metering Gateway- First Steps
M a n u a l R e v i s i o n 1 . 1
Changing Ex Factory IP Address (IPbyNet)
The ex factory value for the default IP address is
. The network mask
for this address is
. You can change the IP address and the network
mask over an Ethernet link with the MGW/920 IPbyNET feature.
Fig. 9:
Environment for IP address change with IPbyNet
IPbyNET is a MGW/920 firmware component, which checks directly after each boot
process the presence of ICMP echo request packets with the MAC address of the
MGW/920 Ethernet interface. If an ICMP packet is available, the IPbyNET firmware ex-
tracts the destination IP address from the ICMP echo request packet and sets the
MGW/920 Ethernet interface with this IP address.
Fig. 10:
Changing the IP address with IPbyNet
Please see the label with the MAC address on the front of your MGW/920 to find the
MAC address for your MGW/920. Then run a Windows command prompt and enter the
following two command lines:
arp –s 02-80-AD-20-D3-7F
ping –t –w 300