Microphone Mini DM-05
As the DM-05 does not have a display/menu, the unit's
functions are controlled by means of the pairing button.
The current function is displayed by the function indicator.
In addition to the pairing functions (see section
there is also the facility to activate three modes. To do
this, press the pairing button and hold it down immedi-
ately after starting up the unit (within two seconds). A
selected mode can always be cancelled by switching off
the DM-05 and starting it up again.
Change channel
When the pairing button is held down for five seconds,
the function indicator shows a constant green light. If you
release the pairing button when the function indicator is
green, the
Change channel
mode is activated. Press the
pairing button briefly the number of times corresponding
to the desired channel (1-10), see section
Radio Range
and Channels
. After a pause of two seconds, the entry
process ends and the selected channel is shown by the
same number of green flashes in the function indicator.
Change code
If the pairing button is instead held down for ten seconds,
the function indicator will switch to a red light. If you
release the pairing button when the function indicator
is red,
Change code
mode is activated. Press the pairing
button twice in quick succession to generate a random
0 sec
5 sec
10 sec
15 sec
20 sec