Microphone Mini DM-05
Introduction to the Comfort Digisystem
Thank you for choosing Comfort Digisystem.
The products are easy to use, whether you use a hearing
aid or not.
Before using the product, please read this User Manual
Using the Microphone Mini DM-05 transmitter, the signal
is transferred digitally, resulting in an excellent clear
Comfort Digisystem is fitted with SecureStream
Technology - a type of digital technology allowing eaves-
drop-secure radio transfer in real time.
Presenting the Microphone Mini DM-05
The Microphone Mini DM-05 is the world's smallest wire-
less microphone for the digital transfer of sound to ear-
pieces. This radio signal is encoded so that no one else
can hear what is being said. The microphone is extremely
discreet and can be simply attached to clothes with a clip.
The Microphone Mini DM-05 is equipped with a voice AGC
(Automatic Gain Control) to maintain a comfortable sound
level at all times.
The DM-05 is pre-programmed with 10 channels.
Additional channels can be used in combination with
other Digisystem products.